Sarah Geikie
Instructor, USEF S Judge
Sarah has been a lifelong equestrian. Her original riding background was spent in Pony Club, riding hunters, and then moving on to being an active competitor in Combined Training. She competed up through the Intermediate level of Combined Training before turning her focus on dressage. Sarah has trained with many top dressage trainers, most notably, Volker Bromman, Wili Schculteis, Rudopph Zeilinger, Lilo Fore, Michael Poulin, and Olivia La Goy-Weltz. Her longtime trainer is Kathy Connelly, with whom she still works regularly.
Over the years, Sarah has trained many horses and riders up to FEI. She has had success through the Grand Prix level, on a horse that she trained herself. Her students have earned their USDF medals and often place in USDF and NEDA year-end awards.
Sarah remains an active rider and trainer and continues to compete. In addition to riding, teaching and training, Sarah is an FEI 4 Star dressage judge. She currently judges all over the world as well as in the US. She has been a judge for over 40 years, as she participated in one of the very first judge training programs. She is active in the Dressage Judges' Licensed Official Working Committee, as well as being a member of the Freestyle Committee.
Sarah believes it is very important to give back to the sport and serving on committees is a way to do that. She is currently the Co-Chair of the USDF Instructor/Trainer Committee. She has been very active in this program for the past 25 years, and is passionate about dressage education. She believes that education is so important for every rider, both amateur and professional. It is the bridge to the future.
With Sarah’s combined education as a rider/trainer, instructor, and FEI judge, she brings the unique ability to provide riders at all levels with the complete insight to help them achieve their goals, whether it is to judge, become a better rider for your horse or to accomplish competitive goals. Sarah has the eye, the knowledge and the experience to help riders achieve success.